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Have you ever had to calculate production attachment ranges (e.g. PRODBEGATT and PRODENDATT fields) manually? Perhaps the production software you used did not calculate these fields for you, or the production specifications changed and you had to add these fields after the fact. While the calculation is usually straightforward, things can get a bit more tricky if some of the attachment families were not produced entirely (i.e. you need to shrink the review attachment ranges to account for the documents that were not produced).

We have created a Concordance CPL called “Populate_Prod_Att” to help make things a bit easier. The Concordance CPL reads the existing review attachment ranges and production Bates numbers in your Concordance database, and calculates the production attachment ranges for you.

Concordance CPL Features

  • Calculates production attachment ranges based on review attachment ranges and production Bates numbers
  • Can automatically shrink attachment ranges when some of the documents from an attachment family are not produced
  • Can clear production attachment range fields for single documents (i.e. documents that are not part of an attachment family)
  • Can be used for both TIFF productions and native-only productions
  • Can work on the entire database or active query depending on your preference


As the input, the Concordance CPL takes the following 4 fields: BEGATTACH, ENDATTACH, PRODBEG, PRODEND (field names can be different depending on your database structure).

BEGATTACH: Should be populated with the beginning review attachment range Bates number.

ENDATTACH: Should be populated with the ending review attachment range Bates number.

PRODBEG: Should be populated with the beginning production Bates number.

PRODEND: Should be populated with the ending production Bates number.

Please see the following table for an example of how the input fields should look in your database. In this example, the legal team decided to not produce the document starting with REV00000013. Consequently, the production attachment range will need to be reduced from 6 pages (REV00000011 – REV00000016) to 5 pages (PROD0000001 – PROD0000005).

REV00000011 REV00000012 REV00000011 REV00000016 PROD0000001 PROD0000002
REV00000014 REV00000016 REV00000011 REV00000016 PROD0000003 PROD0000005

Figure 1 – Sample Input Fields


The program outputs the calculated values to two fields: PRODBEGATTACH and PRODENDATTACH. Since these fields are used to store the output, they will be overwritten. The output for the sample documents in Figure 1 would be as follows:

PROD0000001 PROD0000005
PROD0000001 PROD0000005

Figure 2 – Sample Output

Usage for Native-only Productions

If you are working with a native-only database (i.e. you wish to populate the production parent ID field instead of production attachment ranges), you can do so by pointing at the same field (the review PARENTID field) for both the BEGATTACH and ENDATTACH fields. When you do, the program will not prompt you for the PRODEND and PRODENDATTACH fields, and will not attempt to populate the ending production attachment range field. It will only populate the PRODBEGATTACH field, which will be your production parent ID.


  • This Concordance CPL will make changes to your Concordance database. Specifically, it will overwrite the contents of the PRODBEGATTACH and PRODENDATTACH fields that you choose.
  • Make a back-up of your Concordance database before running this program.

This program is available for download free of charge. Feel free to give it a try and let us know your thoughts.

If you like this Concordance CPL, you may also like our CPL to Create Database (DCB) from Load File.

Concordance is a registered trademark of LexisNexis. Other products or services may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

Arman Gungor

Arman Gungor is a certified computer forensic examiner (CCE) and an adept e-Discovery expert with over 21 years of computer and technology experience. Arman has been appointed by courts as a neutral computer forensics expert as well as a neutral e-Discovery consultant. His electrical engineering background gives him a deep understanding of how computer systems are designed and how they work.