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Concordance CPL to Populate Production Attachment Ranges

By Software

Have you ever had to calculate production attachment ranges (e.g. PRODBEGATT and PRODENDATT fields) manually? Perhaps the production software you used did not calculate these fields for you, or the production specifications changed and you had to add these fields after the fact. While the calculation is usually straightforward, things can get a bit more tricky if some of the attachment families were not produced entirely (i.e. you need to shrink the review attachment ranges to account for the documents that were not produced).

We have created a Concordance CPL called “Populate_Prod_Att” to help make things a bit easier. The CPL reads the existing review attachment ranges and production Bates numbers in your Concordance database, and calculates the production attachment ranges for you.

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Why You Shouldn’t Use Outlook Instant Search for e-Discovery

By Articles

Facing litigation and having to produce company documents to third parties can be an unsettling experience. Some businesses react to this by attempting to do as much of the identification, preservation and collection work in-house, using either company staff or their trusted IT consultants. While this sounds like a good idea for keeping as much of the irrelevant company data from the outside and cutting costs, it often backfires when done without the required expertise and tools. Furthermore, it can derail the entire e-Discovery process since subsequent steps such as processing, review and production depend on the proper identification, preservation and collection of relevant ESI.

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8 Tips for Preparing a Proper TIFF Production

By How-to

Legal teams often choose to prepare image productions accompanied by load files, and many of them make simple mistakes or bad choices that make it unnecessarily difficult for the recipient to utilize the produced information. While helping a firm sort out a disastrous incoming production, I was inspired to write this post with the hope that it may help someone avoid an unnecessary dispute. Assuming that the e-Discovery processing leading to the production was performed competently, here are a few quick tips for preparing a proper image production.

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How OCRed PDF Productions Degrade Electronic Evidence

By Articles

Many legal teams use endorsed searchable PDFs as their preferred format for producing electronic evidence. I suspect that two of the most common reasons for this may be that PDFs are a format attorneys are very familiar with, and that the productions can be prepared in-house using the tools the firm has.

I am generally not a fan of PDF productions because I think they lack both the advantages of a native production (e.g. maintaining the metadata and functionality of complex electronic files) and the advantages of a TIFF production accompanied by load files (e.g. flexibility and ease of use with legal review platforms). In fact, our experience shows that upon receiving a searchable PDF production, most law firms hire an outside company, or engage their in-house litigation support team to have the documents converted to a TIFF production with load files so that they can be loaded into a legal review platform.

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E-mail Conversation Index Analysis for Computer Forensics

By How-to

E-mail messages contain numerous metadata fields that are utilized by computer forensic examiners as well as legal teams. One key MAPI property that is frequently extracted by computer forensics and e-Discovery software, but yet usually overlooked or underutilized, is PR_CONVERSATION_INDEX. This property indicates the relative position of a message within a conversation thread and is typically populated by the e-mail client for each outgoing message.

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Windows Numerical Sort: Why Numeric File Names are Sorted Differently

By How-to

The Shell team at Microsoft at some point decided to improve things a bit and implemented a new way of comparing Unicode strings that contain numerals. The change took effect after Windows 2000, so operating systems such as Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 sort numerals in folder and file names according to their numeric value. While this seems logical and may be helpful to most people, we believe that it brings new issues, especially in the legal industry.

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Exception Handling and Reporting in e-Discovery

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In a perfect world, e-Discovery would be as simple as pointing your software at the data source, kicking back and waiting for all documents to be ingested and processed with 100% accuracy. However, in the real world, e-Discovery involves dealing with thousands of file types, some of which are very complex and cannot be automatically handled by even the most sophisticated e-Discovery platforms. Consequently, being able to perform defensible e-Discovery requires the close supervision of experienced e-Discovery experts and a well-thought-out exception handling policy.

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Image Normalization in e-Discovery Processing

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Even though most e-Discovery projects involve image output (TIFF, JPG, PDF etc.), we find that the specifications of the output images are rarely discussed thoroughly. An important detail, which is usually omitted from e-Discovery processing specifications, is whether or not output images should be normalized.

Image normalization (in the e-Discovery sense) is the process of transforming images to make them consistent in terms of dimensions, resolution, color depth and orientation. For example, larger images can be resized to 8.5″x11″, landscape pages can be rotated to portrait, images with different resolutions can be converted to 300 DPI etc.

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Handling Deleted E-mail Messages during e-Discovery Processing

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Most mailboxes contain both active and deleted e-mail messages. By “deleted e-mail messages”, I am referring to messages that were permanently deleted. For example, a message that was deleted using SHIFT+Delete in Outlook or a message that was deleted from the “Deleted Items” folder. In some e-mail platforms, deleted messages are not immediately purged and can easily be recovered. For example, Ms Outlook does not purge deleted e-mail messages from a Personal Storage Table (PST) file until the PST is compacted.

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e-Discovery Database Fields You Should Have in Your Database

By Articles

Modern e-Discovery software can extract hundreds of metadata fields from documents. Extracted metadata is typically stored in a back-end database and a subset of it is exported and included in the e-Discovery production or review database. We often receive questions regarding which metadata fields should be included in an e-Discovery review database or which metadata fields should be requested during an electronic document production.

The answers to these questions depend on the requirements of each case and should ultimately be determined by the legal team. That said, we have prepared the following field list as an example, with the hope that it will serve as a good starting point.

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