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Concordance CPL to Populate Production Attachment Ranges

By Software

Have you ever had to calculate production attachment ranges (e.g. PRODBEGATT and PRODENDATT fields) manually? Perhaps the production software you used did not calculate these fields for you, or the production specifications changed and you had to add these fields after the fact. While the calculation is usually straightforward, things can get a bit more tricky if some of the attachment families were not produced entirely (i.e. you need to shrink the review attachment ranges to account for the documents that were not produced).

We have created a Concordance CPL called “Populate_Prod_Att” to help make things a bit easier. The CPL reads the existing review attachment ranges and production Bates numbers in your Concordance database, and calculates the production attachment ranges for you.

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Robocopy in e-Discovery

By Software

Most legal professionals regularly handle electronic evidence in one form or another. Even if you are not an e-Discovery or computer forensics expert, there are steps you can take to make sure you are not spoliating electronic evidence.

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Create Database CPL

Create Database CPL – Create Concordance DCB from Load File

By Software

LexisNexis Concordance® is currently one of the most popular discovery management software and many service providers and legal departments deal with Concordance Load Files on a regular basis. In some cases, the Concordance load file is received without an accompanying database structure. Unless there is an existing database that the load file will be imported into, the person performing the import has to create a Concordance Database (DCB).

The above scenario is usually not an issue as long as the load file contains only a few fields. However, manually creating an e-Discovery database to accommodate a 100+ field Concordance Load File can be a tedious task. To make things a bit easier, we have created a Concordance program called “Create Database CPL” using the Concordance Programming Language (CPL). The CPL reads the header row of a Concordance load file (DAT), extracts the field names and creates a Concordance Database (DCB) with matching fields. It requires that your load file starts with a header row which contains the field names.

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